
Niagara Falls

On July 22, I visited Toronto. Finally. I had heard it was a big city, it was all concrete just like Tokyo. But still, I wanted to see Toronto and I did. The main purpose was definitely Niagara Falls. It was just amazing!! But it was diffe…

Disney Totem pole

I know I am just wasting money. But, look at the picture. How cute!! I am totally into this box-shaped characters. I found them with my friend in downtown Vancouver, then our project was started. I wanna collect all kinds and complete the …


気づいたら東京でした。 あっという間のバスの旅。起きてみたらよく知ってる景色たち。 愛知は未知の地だったので、帰郷感がありませんでしたが、 ここにて故郷を感じました。東京は…愛知県よりさらに暑かったっす。 しかもバスで中途半端に寝たせいか、ちょ…


あっという間の一時帰国しちゃいました。 起 きっかけは、カナダの友人が「愛知万博見たい!連れてって!!」といったこと。 私もかねがねずうっと行きたかったし、話しはすんなりとまとまり、 「日本に行くのに実家に顔出さないわけにはいかない」ってこと…

Tea house

I found a nice tea house in Vancouver. They have many kinds of tea, so It was very hard to choose. The one that I finally chose was so-so...comme ci, comme ca... But I made a member's card so I will try to get a better one next time!!

Anthropology Museum

My favorite museum is Anthropology Museum in UBC, Vancouver BC. You can get in this museum for free on tuesday night. Yahoo!! This is really interesting museum and if you visit it, you will say 'WOW!' 'Artistic!'. They have a lot of things…

Bubble Tea

I am addicted to Bubble Teas. I wonder if I can have it in Japan, too. ↑This is my favorite shop for Bubble Tea, which is on 41st Avenue in Vancouver, BC. Come and try!

Loon Lake Camp

I went to the camp for 3days! I hadn't really done camping before. So, I was a little bit worrying about that but also excited. I was very impressed when I arrived there. Because Loon Lake was sooooooooooo beautiful!! The water was beautif…

Bicycle in Canada

I got a bicycle!! One of my school teacher kindly gave it to me!! It is really old one but I am very happy with it. Look at the picture. This is my bicycle and I have to put helmet on in Canada. I hadn't had this kind of bicycle before, wh…


そうだった あの時もそうだった 守りは 負けのはじまり 守ったら 手も足も自由が利かない 前も後ろも 何も見えない 構えを崩したら 脆い 何度か気がついたことあったけど また気づいたよ 負けた瞬間を思い出せば 必ず守りに徹した私が見える↓思想 想起文献↓ …


日曜日だというのに5時半起き! Prince Philip Games (PPG) なるものを見るためだった。 それは乗馬の競技会みたいなもので、プリンスフィリップが考案したからそう呼ばれているのだとか。 実は私は乗馬にただならぬ興味をもっているのです。実際、本当に…

Star Wars - Episode3

5月28日土曜日、遂に見た!スターウォーズ エピソード3! ずっと見たくて、やっと見たせいか、異常に感情移入。 今もなお脳みそはスターウォーズにのっとられている。ソダヨネ・・・。 よく考えてみれば、そのとおり。 エピソード3はこういうストーリー…


I traveled to kamloops for 2 days. Somebody said vancouver is not real Canada. So, I went to see the real Canada. Now I see taht meaning!! Kamloops is also in B.C.. But Kamloops was very different from Vancouver!! For example, I didn't see…


ごみをあさっている烏をみるとカチンとくる。 水溜りで水を飲んでいる烏は微笑ましい。The crow picking through the garbage is annoying. The crow drinking water in the puddle is cute.

Let's think about KANJI

中国語の漢字はそれぞれに1つの音しかない。 日本語の漢字にはいくとおりもの読み方がある。 それはきっと日本語の表記方法がまだ確立していない頃に、中国からもたらされた文字を使って日本語に対応させたから。 日本語には同じ意味の言葉にいくとおりもの…

My first L.A.

Suddenly, really really suddenly, I went to Los Angeles!! I can't believe that still now but I did. That was just for 2days, just a normal weekend! On Friday evening, I flew to L.A. from Vancouver. It took a littele less than 3hours. On Sa…

Another day...

I did billiards. I had played it several times in Japan. But this was a bit different from the game I played before. My frends said there were some kinds of way to play. I don't remember how many times I played but I did many times because…

one day

I did pretend to be a hockey player. After that I went to the dessert place and had a cup of cappuccino...this is beautiful, isn't it!? And also I had a assorted choice of fruits. Canadian sweets are usually too sweet for me, but this one …

Let's get English!

カナダに来てから色々考えてきたこと、友人と語る中で具現化してきた言葉達、 勝手な思いつきレベルではあるが忘れないうちに残しておきたいと思った。日本ほどの先進国が英語に関しては、世界に後れをとっている。 私は、日本人が英語ができないのは、日本…

Precious memories

My sister got back to Japan already. That was almost 2weeks ago!!! Now she started her wark. I hope she is happy with it. For me, my busy days were over ... I really enjoyed it actually, we had so much fun. Here are some pictures, I could …

My travels in China

Suddenly, I went to China for my vacation. That was decided very suddenly, my friend kindly asked me to go there together. That was a golden opportunity for me so I took advantage of that. I didn't even expect I could go to China from Cana…

korean foods in vancouver

I love korean foods, since I got some korean friends. I had korean foods in vancouver this time! It was same taste as I had its in Japan.(笑) After that, I did practice skating to be a beautiful figure skater one day♪

Greek foods

This is the best food I have ever tried in Canada. I had never tried it before because I didn't have a chance. ↑Roast lamb!! You better try it if you haven't had such nice foods yet.


私はキチガイレベルのaquarium好き。 ついに行ってきた!バンクーバーで一番大きなaquarium! 愛してやまないイルカショウ、水族館に行けば必ずチェック。 なんとここは、イルカ1ピキでやってた。広いのに・・・。 品川水族館ですら2ヒキいるのに・・・(い…


最近の趣味紹介。 多趣味な私がこれ以上趣味を増やしてどうするっっ と思わずにはいられないけど、やはりなにかカナダらしい趣味が欲しくて(こじつけ) 最近はアイススケートをたしなんでる。


1月10日に引越した。 次のホストファミリーの家へと移った。 これはカナダに来る前から決まっていたことで、私の生活は極めて順調に進んでいる。 今度のホストファミリーもとてもいい人たちだ。この家に来た最初の夜、前のホストファミリーの夢を見た。 …


1月6日(木曜日) 私の住んでいる地域、バンクーバーの西の方、にこの冬初めての雪が降った。 朝おきたら10センチくらい積もっていて、しょっぱなからきちんと降るなあと関心。 というのは、東京ではたいてい最初の1〜2回は積もらずに終わるから。実は私、…