
Happy My Birthday

通算28回目の誕生日をむかえました。 焼肉とコーラとフルーツケーキでした。 おかげさまで、私はとても幸せです。 幸せです。 みなさま本当にありがとうございます。 色々あるけど、 山と谷がぼこぼこあるけど、 やっぱりどう考えても幸せだし、 自分の人生…

I will be very practical.

ヒデリノトキハナミダヲナガシサムサノナツハオロオロアルキミンナニデクノボウトヨバレホメラレモセズクニモサレズサウイフモノニワタシハナリタイ(雨にも負けず:宮沢賢治より) 宮沢賢治はなぜこんな人になりたいのか。 わからない。 If you are not appre…

Sex and the city movie

Finally!!! watched it last night. I had been waiting and waiting to see this movie, because I liked the TV show. I was expecting to get refreshed, but it actually turned out to be surprisingly sad and I produced over 10 liters of tears. Su…

The thing is...

I was expecting too much. Silly me. How would I think like that without any foundation, without claiming that I want it. Why do I always forget that people don't always think like I think. They don't necessary have the same thought that I …

