
My first L.A.

Suddenly, really really suddenly, I went to Los Angeles!! I can't believe that still now but I did. That was just for 2days, just a normal weekend! On Friday evening, I flew to L.A. from Vancouver. It took a littele less than 3hours. On Sa…

Another day...

I did billiards. I had played it several times in Japan. But this was a bit different from the game I played before. My frends said there were some kinds of way to play. I don't remember how many times I played but I did many times because…

one day

I did pretend to be a hockey player. After that I went to the dessert place and had a cup of cappuccino...this is beautiful, isn't it!? And also I had a assorted choice of fruits. Canadian sweets are usually too sweet for me, but this one …

Let's get English!

カナダに来てから色々考えてきたこと、友人と語る中で具現化してきた言葉達、 勝手な思いつきレベルではあるが忘れないうちに残しておきたいと思った。日本ほどの先進国が英語に関しては、世界に後れをとっている。 私は、日本人が英語ができないのは、日本…

Precious memories

My sister got back to Japan already. That was almost 2weeks ago!!! Now she started her wark. I hope she is happy with it. For me, my busy days were over ... I really enjoyed it actually, we had so much fun. Here are some pictures, I could …

My travels in China

Suddenly, I went to China for my vacation. That was decided very suddenly, my friend kindly asked me to go there together. That was a golden opportunity for me so I took advantage of that. I didn't even expect I could go to China from Cana…