Loon Lake Camp

I went to the camp for 3days!
I hadn't really done camping before.
So, I was a little bit worrying about that but also excited.
I was very impressed when I arrived there. Because Loon Lake was sooooooooooo beautiful!! The water was beautiful green and just like a mirror.

Every meal we had was very nice!
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At night, we had Campfires and just had been singing songs until 1 o'clock or so.
Unfortunately, we forgot to bring marshmallows, so we couldn't roast it in the fire.

On the 2nd day, I tryed canoeing for the first time.
It was very fun. I liked it! I enjoyed it about 1.5 hours. Then I was going to get out from the canoe...but suddenly, we fell in the water!
I didn't ask why it happend but maybe it was my fault. I didn't know how to get out.
Of course, we got wet. But it was a kind of good experience, wasn't it!?
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At that night, we had a skit night!
We got into some groups and played some scenes from famous movies.
That was so fun! I laughed a lot.
I thought that Japanese people were bad at this kind of things.
In this time, we had only a few minits to practice our skit but everyone did great job.
I was impressd by Canadian's ideas, humor, and sense.
This is my skit scean↓
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On the last day, we got the sun finally and it was hot.
So, we all jumped in the lake. But the water was still very cold. I couldn't stay in the water so long time but Canadians seemed OK with it. Unbelievable!!!