
Loon Lake Camp

I went to the camp for 3days! I hadn't really done camping before. So, I was a little bit worrying about that but also excited. I was very impressed when I arrived there. Because Loon Lake was sooooooooooo beautiful!! The water was beautif…

Bicycle in Canada

I got a bicycle!! One of my school teacher kindly gave it to me!! It is really old one but I am very happy with it. Look at the picture. This is my bicycle and I have to put helmet on in Canada. I hadn't had this kind of bicycle before, wh…


そうだった あの時もそうだった 守りは 負けのはじまり 守ったら 手も足も自由が利かない 前も後ろも 何も見えない 構えを崩したら 脆い 何度か気がついたことあったけど また気づいたよ 負けた瞬間を思い出せば 必ず守りに徹した私が見える↓思想 想起文献↓ …