Let's get English!








I wish all Japanese people would have a fine command of English.
Here is what I have been thinking about since I got to Canada. I just talked about that with my friend so I didn’t want to forget what I thought that time. So I am writing my thoughts.
Japan is behind other countries in English language skills, although it is a progressive nation. I think that is just because of the lack of affinity between the Japanese language and English languages. There is a big difference between these two. That doesn’t mean “Japanese people don’t have enough faculties to learn languages” nor that “the Japanese education system of English is so bad.” English is just a hard language to learn for native Japanese.
That’s why I think that Japanese people should devise revolutionary strategies for us to learn English.
In my view, English is necessary for Japan. I know it is difficult that all the Japanese natives master English but I would hope that at least 80% of Japanese people would master English. That is not only because “treatises are usually written in English” or “computers are basically built in English” but also I feel we really need a global communication language.
As you know we have a word “Four eyes see more than two”. If I were alone, I couldn’t really do anything so well. But with my friends, I can do better. I want to say same thing for the country. If Japan tried to do everything by itself, it would be too hard. We should share the information more and more collectively and individually, using the Internet more and more. Otherwise it is going to be a hard way to keep being a developed country from now.
Now, what can be a global communication language? It is not Japanese but English. If it’s Japanese, we don’t really need English. But we can only use Japanese in Japan, nowhere else. And there are many people using English in the world compared to other languages.
It’s OK that some Japanese people can use English well already? We have enough people who can do English in Japan?
I don’t think so.
The information from limited people is limited. We can only get the information found by some one and chosen by someone. But if everyone has a chance to find information from anywhere, anytime, we can get further potentially in cooperation.
On the other hand, I think it is very important to keep a mother tongue that is a valuable culture. In fact, many people in the world can use both their own language and English these days. Japanese language is really important for us but if we can use English as much as we want besides Japanese then we send any information or opinion to the world; get any information from anywhere any time; that would be great!! I think we can do that because we are brilliant Japanese. Make Japan richer and richer by us! We need English for that.
For example, Chinese people are stronger than Japanese on English. Of course some of them cannot get enough education. Even though, they are ahead of us in English! I think that the Chinese language is more similar to English than Japanese. Anyway, they can get and send information more easily than we because of their English ability.
And the Chinese economy is growing bigger and bigger now. But Japan is a big country already so it is hard to grow more.
For now, Asian people (except Japanese) want to come to Japan and want to get a job or study in Japan because of the Japanese economy. And they need to study Japanese.
But in the future, Japan will need workers from foreign countries more and more. Because the Japanese population of children has fallen these days and we are going to hold many older people. One day we might need to study their languages to receive them as workers if their economy would become as big as Japan or bigger than Japan. If we have global communication language in that time, we can easily receive workers from anywhere.
I expect all the people in the world will be able to use both their mother tongue and English in the future. Then we can communicate without constraint. If that happens, learning other languages might become rare; it is only for the hobby or the study for expert. We would see big changes.
Well, I should start studying English properly and contribute spreading English in Japan before I mentioned this and that? Maybe everyone already knows we need English. I should have suggested some ways for that, shouldn’t I? Sorry!!!!!