Sex and the city movie

Finally!!! watched it last night.
I had been waiting and waiting to see this movie, because I liked the TV show.
I was expecting to get refreshed, but it actually turned out to be surprisingly sad and I produced over 10 liters of tears.
Sure, there are funny parts, some hilarious parts, like I was told before I watched it but I think those are just really funny for American people. To me as a Japanese, it was sad more than anything. I know that's my problem, I am too serious! I shouldn't take anything so serious, it is just a movie but they just showed things so realistic and I felt like those things could just happen to me anytime.

Then, I even had a nightmare.
I was so tired when I woke up this morning and I have been thinking a lot today.
Thinking thinking thinking...

and I think I am done now.
I don't have to think anymore.

Thank goodness.

The problem is that I can never say what I want even when I know exactly what I want.