The thing is...

I was expecting too much.
Silly me.
How would I think like that without any foundation, without claiming that I want it.
Why do I always forget that people don't always think like I think.
They don't necessary have the same thought that I have.

But isn't it more romantic if we both had the same thought in our mind!?

I wonder though how important that is for me.
What if I need that to live happily.
Can I say that it is not a requirement?

But I can't blame on anybody just because I expected unreasonably too much.
that's for sure.

I must admit, to move on!
I am hurt.
At this moment I am damaged.
I didn't get what I wanted, and that's all.
That happens in life and that's life.
But how can I get rid of this pain.

All I have to do is just being strong and fight through and get it someday.
I won't have any feelings then. Everything will become nothing to me.
No feelings I will have and I will be much stronger.
I just want to joke about everything.