Hello from Ohio...

As you know... I am in Ohio right now.
It is very countryside here and there are not so beautiful views and I am lonly.

For my new job, I just made an advertisement, so let's see how many people will apply it.

I am staying in dormitory which is old but really big!! huge!! for me.
I think it is an American size.
I don't have enough stuff to live comfortably here yet and I can not use my computer.
But I got a big car yesterday, so I started driving in U.S.
Unbelievable! Can you imagine? I don't even know any directions.

Unfortunately, I don't have any cameras now, because my camera was broken finally...so I can not show you any pictures.
The best thing I want to show you is the leaves turned in autumn. It is so beautiful!

So, I have no idea how my life in Ohio is going to be.
I have to enjoy this situation for sure.
I think things are changing once I start teaching.