Great Discovery


I have discovered some great things lately and rediscoverd how much I like what I do now.
One of my students mentioned that one day he wanted to become a teacher like me teaching international students in the international field.

I realized how nice it is for a teacher to hear such a thing from a student. He came up with that idea having me as one of his teacher and I felt like my entire life won praise when I heard it.

I strongly believe teaching is the best way to learn things, which means this is a perfect job for me.
In fact, I have been learning a lot with this job. I think this is the only way to satisfy my curiosity and to earn money both at the same time. I always get something new to study to be a better teacher and now for example I got the opportunity to learn some literatures. If I don’t have this job, I have to figure out to make time to learn new things and I probably have to spend my personal time for it or I just don’t get that opportunity.
Being a teacher is such a grateful thing for someone like me who always wish to make oneself a better person. You know, it is almost my hobby to make myself a better person. I just enjoy it!
See, since I am a teacher, so now I have a meaning to be better. More I get better, I can show my students a better example.
Actually, now I come to think of it, I would like to show everybody as a representative how valuable Japanese people can be with what we have. That sounds like a nice life for me.